2024-01-01 22:00:06 -

2024-01-14 18:51:46 -

2024-01-25 18:25:03 -

2024-01-01 20:13:29 -

2024-01-14 19:08:33 -
骑行包外观很漂亮,材料也很好,绑在前梁上刚刚好,也不会很累赘 空间很大,上面放一个手机,两边还有很大的空间,物流速度很快,基本两天以内,客服态度也很好。

2024-01-19 10:14:42 -

2024-01-16 11:10:30 -

2024-01-23 22:50:11 -

2024-01-22 17:03:56 -

2024-01-06 09:09:43 -



十多年前我们在南加州做生意, 有幸结识了不少华人老板, 其中有几位印象深刻,今天写写他们。

A老板,90年代后期从大陆来到美国。出国前是中央某部宣传部门的处长, 来美头几年为了生存,只能在餐馆里打工。他一直在琢磨怎么才能做生意挣钱,后来想到国内他们下面有个音像公司,  有各种各样的影像带子,成本很低,何不拿来美国卖卖试试。跟国内联系,老关系说,现在影碟有的是,压了几仓库的货,你先拿去卖,卖完了再给钱。于是A老板用打工挣的钱付运费进了一货柜各时期的影碟,在许多华人超市门前摆地摊卖,没想到很快就卖火起来了,因为价格超便宜,加之那时大陆移民到美国的人越来越多,许多是随儿女来美的年长者,怀旧风很浓。记得我也曾在那些摊上买过邓丽君的全集, 音乐之声(Sound of Music)等,每个片子都是三,五块钱。这样一来,一年就卖了好几个货柜,A老板也就发达起来了。A老板一直没有解决身份, 老婆孩子在国内,经介绍认识了一大十几岁的白人女士,两人一拍即合,结婚同居,目的明确,一为身份,一为钱。只是这白女知道他有钱后胃口太大,原来谈好的8万美金远远满足不了她, 移民案每办到关键时候就加码, A老板就象案板上的鱼肉任人宰割,前后四年,听说出血近二百万,A老板拿到绿卡后,立马离婚,消失的无影无踪。其实A老板当时正跟我们合作将一款保健品进口到大陆,他交了不少钱在申请国内的健字号许可,只是我们再也找不到他,钱也打水漂了。

B老板是我们刚做生意时在同一大楼里办公的邻居。当时他开了一家清洁公司,  雇了十来个老莫, 收入不错, 他老婆是从文工团出来的,漂亮贤惠,自己开了一家美容店。他80年代末就来美国, 学的是金融, 毕业后在美国一家金融公司干过几年。2干年左右,国内经济在迅速发展, 很多大公司跃跃欲试想到美国上市,B老板觉得是他大展宏图的时候,于是回到上海开了一家专门帮人到美国上市的公司,好几家公司在他的帮助下,成功在美国发行了IPO, 这样他公司的生意好得不得了, 忙的连睡觉的时间也没有了(这是他的原话), 一年也回不了南加州的家几次。由于聚少离多,夫妻的感情也产生了变化, 最后老婆跟一台湾人好了,离开了他。B老板十年前回来办离婚,找我聊天, 此事虽已过去几年,他还难以释怀,伤感依旧,说家没了,资产上亿有何用?

C老板也是我们早年开公司时在同一个大楼办公。他九零年从北京高中毕业就来美国留学, 在加州州立大学学的是计算机信息专业,毕业后在一家美国大电信公司工作,一段时间后就自己出来单干了,他应该是将电话卡介绍到华人市场,并在华人中最早做电话卡生意的人之一。由于华人很多是新移民,可以想象早年电话卡生意在华人中有多火,经常供不应求,许多零售商一早就在他公司门口排队等卡,几个员工从早到晚忙得不亦乐乎。早期C老板只做批发生意,后来不断扩张,除了开了6,7家零售店,自己也租几条线,发行自己的电话卡,当时租一条线就要100多万美元,可以想象其生意的红火程度。好景不长,   C老板喜欢交朋友,有些损友常常带他去赌钱,慢慢就染上赌博的恶习,心思也不在生意上了,很快就把自己的财产输的精光,几家店都卖掉了,还欠了一屁股债,老婆见他恶习难改,就带着孩子离开了他。后来听说为了躲债, 他东躲西藏一阵子后,逃回了大陆。



Perfect fit size 13. I normally order 13's. Very comfortable.
- Liberia

Been getting these forever, love the fit, 13 4E. Perfect, comfortable.
- Switzerland

Purchased them as a gift. They fit very comfortable and he's very happy with them.
- Switzerland

Nike runs about a 1/2 size small. I wear a 10.5 normally and wear an 11 in Nike. Good shoes.
- Singapore

I have inserts from the VA for my shoes that give me good arch support so I just take out the ones provided.
- Liberia

I'm a truck driver climbing up and down and inside trailers shoes perform well no falling apart yet so I'd buy them again
- Singapore

Sneakers fit as advertised; it was in excellent condition; fit was comfortable, sturdy, and it works for casual use which is what I wanted.
- Switzerland

Tired of going to the store to NOT find the correct size of shoe in the type I wanted. This shoe was exactly what I was looking for - and I got it in 2 days!!
- Singapore

Husband has a wide foot with a high instep. This is the only shoe that fits him comfortably. Have purchased this shoe multiple times. Good price and well made. Will definitely purchase again.
- Liberia

This is my third pair of these shoes. I have wide feet so I have a hard time finding good shoes that fit well. These work great and each pair lasts me at least twice as long as previous shoes I have tried. They are very comfortable.
- Switzerland

2023-12-04 03:35:24--
I love this ring! No change in color of the silver and stones stay shiny!

2023-12-04 03:33:30--
very nice product and fast shipping. My wife loves how pretty it is. Thanks great buy for the price.

2023-12-04 03:32:01--

2023-12-04 03:31:28--
Very happy with my earrings! All look beautiful and I can’t wait to wear them all. It did take a lo long while to arrive (5weeks) but definitely worth it for the price and product.

2023-12-04 03:31:26--
these are amazing !!!!!

2023-12-04 03:28:59--
More of a rose gold colour but love it! Shipping was a little slow but overall really happy

2023-12-04 03:24:52--
I can say that the seller is professional

2023-12-04 03:23:01--
Came in 20 days bag looks super fake but ring is spot on.

2023-12-04 03:12:12--
Took 3 weeks to come the earrings are really nice

2023-12-04 03:07:03--
Exactly like photo. Second order I have made from this seller and I will be ordering more!

2023-12-04 03:06:46--
Excellent, excellent product. Absolutely a great buy would recommend and be buying from seller again. Five stars!!

2023-12-04 03:05:59--
Fast shipping and they are GORGEOUS!

2023-12-04 03:05:32--
Beautiful 😍

2023-12-04 03:04:31--
The seller protects my goods very well, there is no peculiar smell inside, very comfortable

2023-12-04 03:04:19--
So I ordered these. I have to say that I am impressed with the final result. It will take some time to deliver, but it is worth waiting in the end. I have compared it with the authentic ones, which are exactly the same. I will definitely recommend this store to anyone who asks where to buy these!

Displaying 781 to 795 (of 795 reviews)

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